Health and Medicine

CBD Gummies for Stress Relief With No Side Effects – According to Doctor Monika Wassermann

What to look for when choosing Cannabidiol gummies such as THC and CBD can show up in drug tests for days or weeks after they are consumed. Over-the-counter CBD may contain harmful additives or interfere with prescription medications. If you Buy CBD Gummies from reputable suppliers such as Loxa for their great Loxa Beauty CBD Eye Cream (50ml, 500g CBD) or such as JustCBD then you immediately eliminate the biggest risks that come with something like seeking to consume edibles like CBD gummies for stress relief.

Drawing on some guidelines from Doctor Monika Wassermann, whose publication platforms include, we take a look at some side effects and overdose effects that can be associated with CBD products. Keep in mind though, that with something like CBD gummies, there isn’t really a risk of overdose and the associated side-effects, particularly if it’s for the relief from stress as the reason you’re looking towards CBD edibles in the first place.

Side Effects and Overdose

Although edibles are a subtle and delicious way to consume cannabis, they are not without risks.

Consuming too much marijuana through food is easy and can lead to negative effects such as nausea and vomiting. Most foods contain high amounts of THC, which can cause a wide range of effects including relaxation, euphoria, increased appetite, fatigue and anxiety. Hemp edibles contain delta-9-THC, which is responsible for the psychoactive properties of relaxation and euphoria, and CBD, which can have effects without the psychoactive properties.

Both CBD and THC are chemically similar to your body’s endocannabinoids, notes Doctor Monika Wassermann, whose subject matter interests (for her lifestyle writings) encompass the therapeutic use of CBD products such as edibles. The arrangement gives CBD (cannabidiol) different chemical properties and affects your body in different ways. THC is the chemical responsible for the psychoactive effects of foods and other forms of cannabis. THC is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis that causes euphoria.

Although D9-THC is considered to be the main psychoactive ingredient in the cannabis plant responsible for the “high” users experience (Gaoni & Mechoulam, 1964), the plant contains this chemical primarily in the form of the non-psychoactive acid, D9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. (THKA). Once D9-THC is formed, D9-THC diffuses out of the plant and dissolves into the oily liquid along with other cannabinoids found in the plant (such as CBD). At a basic level, extracting cannabinoids (such as D9-tetrahydrocannabinol or D9-THC, cannabis containing Delta-8 and cannabidiol or CBD) from the cannabis plant involves heating the flowers of the female plant in an oil-based liquid. However, the official health warning warns of danger due to the increased availability of cannabis products containing delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which warning agencies say is due to under-labeling projects containing THC and cannabidiol (CBD). But still, there are many states and countries where it is legal and has become a controversial topic. Check out the blog on to know more about Delta-8 THC and where it is legal.

Full spectrum CBD gummies are the most basic state as they contain all the cannabinoids and chemicals found in the hemp plant, including THC. You won’t get high because high-quality CBD gummies don’t contain THC, but you may experience mild euphoria. Customers find the product useful for themselves because it contains CBD and they are all aware of the benefits of cannabis. Unlike THC, CBD is not uplifting and is used to treat a wide range of conditions, from anxiety to insomnia.

CBD can also interact with other medications you may be taking, such as blood thinners. Drug Interactions Foods and other forms of cannabis may interact with alcohol and some medications, such as blood thinners. These interactions may enhance the effects of THC or interfere with the effects of certain medications.