
    It doesn’t matter if you are an expert blogger or a first time writer who wants to try out getting their writing online, we want to hear from you!

    Our blog is all about adventure and that means yours! If you have had an exciting adventure then don’t keep it to yourself. We want to hear about it and so do our readers. It is super easy to write for our website. Put pen to paper or rather fingers to keyboard and get creating your own unique blog of your memorable experiences. Lions in the Masai MaraWhether it was coming face to face with lions in the Masai Mara or eating scorpions in China with locals, we want to read about it. A quick tip, there are hundreds of travel blogs out there, and whilst we are happy for anyone to drop by and read our blogs often our readers tend to be couples who love travelling. Stories that involve action-packed new places with your partner are stories our readers particularly like to read.

    Submitting A Guest Post

    Globe-trotters can submit a guest post easily by simply filling in the Contact Form at the bottom of this page.. It’s not just danger and fearless adventure that our readers enjoy. Travelling can be a fraught experience and we all learn handy tips and tricks along the way. Here is a list of topics that we accept guest posts about:-

    • Airlines, Buses, Trains
    • Arts and Culture
    • Blogging
    • Events and Festivals
    • Food and Drink
    • Health and Medicine
    • Hotels and Accommodations
    • Lifestyle
    • Nightlife
    • Outdoors
    • Photography
    • Travel Destinations
    • Travel Gear
    • Travel News
    • Wild Nature

    A Few More Hints and Tips About Contributing to Our Blog

    Tip #1: Post Size

    Post should be between 500 words and 1000 words. It’s up to you how long your post is and what content you want to include. Make sure that the content is something you think our readers would enjoy reading about for a few minutes or so. It can be educational or humorous or both.

    Tip #2: Post Content

    Check out previous posts on the website and if it’s been done before or a similar post is already on the site then we are unlikely to accept your post. Sorry! But hey, don’t be disheartened. Simply write about a different topic and send it in to us.

    Tip #3: Photos! Photos! Photos!

    We love photos! As a professional photographer, Chin always loves to review photos that are submitted. You don’t have to be a professional, either. With today’s technology most people can take a good photo and touch it up. It doesn’t matter if your photo is not perfect. Photos of your travels are what bring your blog alive and capture the readers’ interest and encourage them to keep reading. If you are writing about a generic topic without personal photos please make sure there are no copyright issues with any added photos.

    Tip #4: Catchy Title

    Try to think of a title that will make our readers want to read your post. Often an easy title is a solution or answer to a popular question. So a title that begins with “How To…” can be a winner. For example, “How To Find Cheap Accommodation” or “How To Stay Safe In The Far East”. Readers always want to hear tips and advice so another popular way to start an post is “Ten Top Tips To …”. The number doesn’t really matter just include as many interesting, useful and original tips you have. As far as posts about a particular place you have travelled to, a title that has a question & answer format will often capture a reader’s interest. An example might be “Whales & Waterfalls: Why You Should Visit Vancouver Island”.

    Afghan manTip #5: Be A Journalist

    One of the great things about travelling is not just the places but the people. Get talking to the locals and find out what it is like for them living where they do. How they make a living, the local politics, history, their lives and families. We are always interested in fascinating interview style pieces.

    The Process

    It is easy to send in your post by using the contact form below. As soon as your work is submitted you will receive a confirmation email. With over 12,500 visitors to our site every month and a lot of aspiring and professional bloggers we get a lot of submissions. We read each and everyone of the submissions sent to us so bear with us! We aim to get back to you in two weeks but at busy times it can be up to four weeks.

    If we like your piece and we think it is a fit for our site then we will be in touch about the details, payment and legal stuff. If we don’t think your post is a fit this time, we will also let you know.  Please feel free to write another post on a different topic and send it in to us. Many people find that having your writing online and being read by others is a thrill. So get writing your unique story today, we can’t wait to read it.

    Dylan & Chin